Maliput Wheels & PyPI Index

Python Wheels

As indicated in the Installation section, maliput is supported to be installed via pip.

Most of the maliput framework is written in C++, and its API is wrapped for Python via pybind11. The maliput Python package is also distributed as a Python wheel, which is a self-contained Python package that includes the C++ code and its Python bindings.

The maliput wheels are built for python version 3.8 and for the following manylinux platforms:
  • manylinux2014_x86_64

The plugin architecture of maliput is also supported in the Python wheels via Python Entry Points.

    'maliput.backends': [
        'maliput_malidrive = maliput_malidrive:get_plugin_path',

An example of this is the maliput_malidrive package, which provides an OpenDRIVE-based implementation of the maliput API. Its entry point method is defined at so that it can be discovered by maliput.

Wheel Generation

Following manylinux2014_x86_64 guidelines, the maliput wheels are built on a CentOS 7 docker image: A custom docker image is used to build the wheels, and the dockerfile is defined at maliput_infrastructure repository where a GitHub Action is defined build and push the docker image to GHCR.

The wheel building process is defined in the maliput_py repository for the maliput wheels, while for the maliput backends, each wheel generation is defined in the corresponding repository. The process of wheel creations is automated via GitHub Actions, and the wheels are uploaded as artifacts as action’s outputs.

PyPI Index

The maliput wheels are hosted on PyPI and their releasing process is manually triggered by the maliput maintainers.

The packages can be found at: