xodr_validate application

Validate a XODR file

xodr_validate application can be used to verify the description of an XODR file.

If the XODR file doesn't meet OpenDRIVE specification the application will notify.

xodr_validate --xodr_file=<xodr_file_path>

For example:

$ xodr_validate --xodr_file=TShapeRoad.xodr
[INFO] Parser: Allow schema errors: disabled
[INFO] Parser: Allow semantic errors: disabled
Successfully loaded the map.

Let's try another example where the outcome isn't ideal, and let's use trace as log level to get more information about how the parser progress in the xodr file.

$ xodr_validate --xodr_file=NonContiguousRoad.xodr --log_level=trace
[INFO] Parser: Allow schema errors: disabled
[INFO] Parser: Allow semantic errors: disabled
[TRACE] XODR Parser configuration:
[TRACE] |__ tolerance: 0.001000
[TRACE] |__ allow_schema_errors: Disabled
[TRACE] |__ allow_semantic_errors: Disabled
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":47:ParseDoc] XODR parsing process has started.
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":48:ParseDoc] Verifying XODR tag in the file.
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":53:ParseDoc] Parsing header node.
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":59:ParseDoc] Parsing road headers.
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":797:As<malidrive::xodr::RoadHeader>] Parsing road id: 0
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":815:As<malidrive::xodr::RoadHeader>] Parsing road link.
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":822:As<malidrive::xodr::RoadHeader>] Parsing road type.
[TRACE] ["maliput_ws/src/maliput_malidrive/maliput_malidrive/src/maliput_malidrive/xodr/":833:As<malidrive::xodr::RoadHeader>] Parsing planView.<malidrive::xodr::PlanView>:776: Geometries doesn't meet contiguity constraint.
The map could not be loaded.

In this case the XODR validation failed because in the plainView node there is no guarantee of contiguity between both geometries, for example.

<geometry s="0.0" x="0.0" y="0.0" hdg="0.0" length="4.0">
<geometry s="4.0" x="10.0" y="10.0" hdg="0.0" length="0.6">

More available options

xodr_validate application has several arguments that can be used when validating the XODR file. All of them can be accessed by doing --help

--allow_schema_errors: If true, the XODR parser will attempt to work around XODR schema violations. By default set to false.

--allow_semantic_errors: If true, the XODR parser will attempt to work around XODR semantic violations. By default set to false.

--log_level: Sets the log output threshold; possible values: maliput::common::logger::level. By default set to unchanged.

--tolerance: Tolerance used to validate continuity in piecewise defined geometries. By default set to 0.001.