maliput_measure_load_time application

Measure load time

maliput_measure_load_time application allows to measure the loading process a maliput::api::RoadGeometry. The backends that can be selected to build the RoadGeometry are maliput_malidrive, maliput_multilane and maliput_dragway.

Depending on the maliput backend that is selected different flags related to the RoadGeometry building process will be active.

A description of all the available flags can be seen by running maliput_measure_load_time --help.

Using maliput_malidrive backend

maliput_measure_load_time --maliput_backend=malidrive --xodr_file_path=TShapeRoad.xodr --iterations=5


[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 1 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 2 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 3 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 4 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 5 of 5.
[INFO] Mean time was: 0.0454088s out of 5 iterations.

Using maliput_multilane backend

Similarly, maliput_multilane can be used.

$ maliput_measure_load_time --maliput_backend=multilane --yaml_file=2x2_intersection.yaml --iterations=5


[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 1 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 2 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 3 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 4 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 5 of 5.
[INFO] Mean time was: 0.0256615s out of 5 iterations.

Using maliput_dragway backend

Similarly, maliput_dragway can be used.

$ maliput_measure_load_time --maliput_backend=dragway --num_lanes=10 --length=1000 --iterations=5


[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 1 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 2 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 3 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 4 of 5.
[INFO] Building RoadNetwork 5 of 5.
[INFO] Mean time was: 2.15518e-05s out of 5 iterations.

More available options

As mentioned before, maliput_measure_load_time application has several arguments that can be used. All of them can be accessed by running maliput_measure_load_time --help.

Use --log_level to set the log output See possible values at maliput::common::logger::level. By default set to unchanged.