maliput_dynamic_environment application

Maliput Dynamic Environment

maliput_dynamic_environment application simulates a dynamic environment where the multiple states of the rules change in a time basis. The backends that can be selected are maliput_malidrive, maliput_multilane and maliput_dragway.

maliput_dynamic_environment \
--maliput_backend=malidrive \
--phase_duration=1 \
--timeout=20 \
--xodr_file_path=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.xodr \
--road_rule_book_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \
--traffic_light_book_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \
--rule_registry_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \
--phase_ring_book_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \

The full list of available commands can be obtained by running: maliput_dynamic_environment --help

Depending on the maliput backend that is selected different flags related to the RoadGeometry building process will be active.

Current Phase changing through time

maliput_dynamic_environment app implements a basic system that, by using the maliput's api, is capable of iterating the Phases of all the PhaseRings that are defined for the given maliput::api::RoadNetwork.

The application allows setting the desired phase duration if needed.

The output of the application shows the information about the static rules (rules with onle one state) and, the information of the current phases as time pass.


maliput_dynamic_environment \
--maliput_backend=malidrive \
--phase_duration=1 \
--timeout=20 \
--xodr_file_path=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.xodr \
--road_rule_book_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \
--traffic_light_book_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \
--rule_registry_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \
--phase_ring_book_file=SingleRoadPedestrianCrosswalk.yaml \


INFO] Loading road network using malidrive backend implementation...
[INFO] RoadNetwork loaded successfully.
Static DiscreteValueRules
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_0_-1 | State: WithS
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_0_1 | State: AgainstS
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_1_-1 | State: WithS
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_1_1 | State: AgainstS
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_2_-1 | State: WithS
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_2_1 | State: AgainstS
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_3_-1 | State: WithS
Discrete Value Rule: Direction-Usage Rule Type/1_3_1 | State: AgainstS
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_0_-1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_0_1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_1_-1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_1_1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_2_-1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_2_1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_3_-1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle Usage Rule Type/1_3_1 | State: NonPedestrians
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle-Stop-In-Zone-Behavior Rule Type/EastToWest | State: DoNotStop
Discrete Value Rule: Vehicle-Stop-In-Zone-Behavior Rule Type/WestToEast | State: DoNotStop
Static RangeValueRules
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_0_-1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_0_1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_1_-1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_1_1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_2_-1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_2_1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_3_-1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Range Value Rule: Speed-Limit Rule Type/1_3_1_1 | State: [0, 11.1111]
Time: 0.25
PhaseRingId: PedestrianCrosswalkIntersection | Current Phase: AllGoPhase
Discrete Value Rule: Right-Of-Way Rule Type/WestToEast | State: Go
Discrete Value Rule: Right-Of-Way Rule Type/EastToWest | State: Go
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-GreenBulb | State: On
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-YellowBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-GreenBulb | State: On
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-RedBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-RedBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-YellowBulb | State: Off
Time: 1.001
PhaseRingId: PedestrianCrosswalkIntersection | Current Phase: AllStopPhase
Discrete Value Rule: Right-Of-Way Rule Type/WestToEast | State: Stop
Discrete Value Rule: Right-Of-Way Rule Type/EastToWest | State: Stop
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-GreenBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-YellowBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-GreenBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-RedBulb | State: On
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-RedBulb | State: On
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-YellowBulb | State: Off
Time: 2.001
PhaseRingId: PedestrianCrosswalkIntersection | Current Phase: AllGoPhase
Discrete Value Rule: Right-Of-Way Rule Type/WestToEast | State: Go
Discrete Value Rule: Right-Of-Way Rule Type/EastToWest | State: Go
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-GreenBulb | State: On
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-YellowBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-GreenBulb | State: On
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-RedBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: WestFacing-WestFacingBulbs-RedBulb | State: Off
BulbUniqueId: EastFacing-EastFacingBulbs-YellowBulb | State: Off

As expected, the available Phases iterates on a time basis defined by the --phase_duration flag. The Right-Of-Way Rules and the Traffic Lights' bulbs, change their state in tandem according to what the PhaseRingBook information, for this particular RoadNetwork, describes.